Showing posts with label 9/11 Commission. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 9/11 Commission. Show all posts

Monday, November 24, 2008

video: MSM: Mossad Truck Bombs on Sept 11, watch & Digg


White van packed full of explosive arrested on 911. Video of actual main stream media reports on and shortly after 911.

Rare recording of Police radio from September 11th 2001. Police capture 2 Mossad agents caught delivering a Truck Bomb next to the WTC building in New York City. Even though they were caught by Police and arrested, they were then let go back to Israel by the BUSH administration.

Go figure who is "supporting the terrorist network".

This video IS NOT Anti-Semitic, It is ANTI-TERRORIST. If Israelis turn out to be the terrorists then so be it.

We need to expose THE TRUE TERRORISTS and wake people up to who really did 9-11.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Kean Insight Bush, bin Laden, BCCI and the 9/11 Commission by CHRIS FLOYD

When George W. Bush's first choice to head an "independent" probe into the Sept. 11 attacks--suspected war criminal Henry Kissinger--went down like a bad pretzel, he quickly plucked another warm body from the stagnant pool of Establishment worthies who are periodically called upon to roll out the whitewash when the big boys screw up.

Kissinger's replacement, retired New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, was a "safe pair of hands," we were assured by the professional assurers in the mainstream media. The fact that he'd been out of public life for years--and that he hadn't collaborated in the deaths of tens of thousands of Cambodians, Chileans and East Timorese--certainly made him less controversial than his predecessor, although to be fair, Kissinger's expertise in mass murder surely would have given the panel some unique insights into the terrorist atrocity.

But now it seems that Kean might possess some unique insights of his own. Fortune Magazine reports this week that both Kean and Bush share an unusually well-placed business partner: one Khalid bin Mahfouz -- perhaps better known as "Osama bin Laden's bagman" or even "Osama bin Laden's brother-in-law."

Kean, like so many worthies, followed the revolving door out of public service into lucrative sweetheart deals and well-wadded sinecures on corporate boards. One of these, of course, is an oil company--pretty much a requirement for White House work these days. (Or as the sign says on the Oval Office door: "If your rigs ain't rockin', don't come a-knockin'!") Kean is a director of Amerada Hess, an oil giant married up to Saudi Arabia's Delta Oil in a venture to pump black gold in Azerbaijan. (The partnership is incorporated in a secretive offshore "tax haven," natch. You can't expect a worthy like Kean to pay taxes like some grubby wage slave.)

One of Delta's biggest backers is the aforesaid Mahfouz, a Saudi wheeler-dealer who has bankrolled some of most dubious players on the world scene: Abu Nidal, Manuel Noreiga, Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush. Mahfouz was also a front for the bin Laden family, funneling their vast wealth through American cut-outs in a bid to gain power and influence in the United States.
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